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Stéphane Bayen

Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Food Science & Agricultural Chemistry

Stéphane obtained a PhD (Chemistry) from the National University of Singapore. Since 2014, he has been building a research program at McGill University concentrating on developing novel analytical approaches, i.e. non-targeted analysis (NTA), to monitor contaminants and to provide a more in-depth understanding of the human exposome. He was the recipient of Agilent Thought Leader Award 2021.

List of Publications


Lan Liu

Research Associate

Skills and expertise : Chromatography; Mass Spectrometry ; High-Performance Liquid Chromatography; Sample Preparation.

Manager of the Macdonald Mass Spectrometry Platform


Gabriel Leung

PhD candidate

B.Sc – Major in Chemistry and Food & Nutritional Science, The University of Hong Kong

Gabriel's research focuses on the degradation of organophosphate esters (OPEs) under thermal processes in various food matrices.

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Zhi Hao Chi

PhD candidate

B.Sc Food Science McGill University 
Zhi Hao develops a non-targeted approach for the analysis of xenobiotics in human milk.


Ziyun Xu

PhD candidate

B.Sc Food Science and Technology,Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
MSc Analytical Chemistry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Ziyun develops new tools to improve the identification of unknown contaminants migrating from food packaging materials.


Jingyun Zheng

PhD candidate

MSc, Food Science, McGill University
Jingyun's research focuses on understanding the impact of data processing on the non-targeted analysis of trace contaminants.

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Nancy He

PhD candidate

B.Sc Honours Food Science/Nutrition, McGill University.


Nancy develops a novel approach based on effect-direct-analysis to screen processed food for unknown toxicants.


Alexandra Roginski

MSc candidate

B.Sc Honours Food Science, McGill University.


Alexandra develops novel food LC-MS based methods to authenticate the origin of ingredients in processed food products.

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Zoe Li

MSc candidate

B.Sc Food Science.  University of Alberta.


Zoe explores pollen DNA as a mean to authenticate honeys.

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Vivian Oppong

MSc candidate

B.Sc Ghana.


Vivian seeks to develop a method to screen pesticides in products such as honey, pollen and bee bread.


Shaghig Bilamjian

Research Assistant

M.Sc Food Science McGill University 


Previous lab members


Dr. Nausheen Sadiq (2017-2018)

Dr. Caroline Simonnet-Laprade (cosupervision LABERCA, France 2018-2019)

Dr. Lei Tian (2021-2024)

Dr. Shawninder Chahal (2022-2024)


Graduate Students:
Lin Hefei, MSc Food Science (2015-2017)
Tian Lei, MSc Food Science (2015-2016)
Annie vonEyken, PhD Food Science (2015-2019)
Daniel Furlong, MSc Food Science (2017-2019)
Pablo Elizondo, MSc Food Science (2017-2019)

Tian Lei, PhD Food Science (2016-2020)

Anca Baesu, PhD Food Science (2017-2021)

Peiying Wang, PhD Food Science (2018-2022)

Ali Mawof, PhD Bioresource Engineering (2015-2021)
Caren Akiki, MSc Food Science (2021-2023)

Patrice Hurtubise, MSc Food Science (2021-2023)

Adrián de la Fuente Ballesteros, visiting PhD (2024)

MSc non-thesis:
2015: Salma Khalil; Yi Xin Li; Taresh Garewal; Shereen Taki; 2016: Al Amir Al-Weshahy; Xi Lin; Lan Lin; Samareh Arooni; 2017: Jinyung Zheng; Ricardo Claudio; Chao-Chuan Chen; 2018: Anila Xhufi; Xue Cao; Yizhen Deng; Swaroopini Ramachandran; 2019: Harmanjeet Kaur, Harinder Kaur; 2020: Shaghig Bilamjian, Anshika Grover, Kirandeep Ahluwalia; 2022: Cailyn Wolberg; 2024: Donald Bimpong, Sally Mawusi.

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) & Honours students: Nancy He, BSc Food Science/Nutrition Science (2018) - Best Poster Award 3rd/28; Hamza Chugthai, BSc Food Science (2019) - Best Poster Award 1st/28; Sharvani Ram, BSc Food Science (2022); Ririka Saito, BSc Food Science (2023)- Best Poster Award 2nd/28; Michelle Effendy (2024) - Honours.


Macdonald Campus, McGill University

21,111 Lakeshore Ste Anne de Bellevue,

Quebec H9X 3V9 Canada


Tel : +1(514) 398-8618


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